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Reading 6

Reading 6 Hi and welcome back to my blog! This week I will be focusing on continuing from last week with writing the body paragraphs. Since last week I have broken down the steps into their own paragraphs. I have gone through the content and broke it down to the most important information which I then have added into my paragraphs. In last weeks blog post I wrote about the different steps I will be taking to write my paragraphs about game design. In each paragraph that I have written I have taking these steps to ensure I do not forget anything. By using the matrix, I have been able to find the information quickly. I have been focusing on one topic at a time as I don’t want to forget to add important parts of my research. On the google doc I will be breaking my writing down into headings and subheadings so stay tuned!
Recent posts

Unity Tutorial 06

Unity tutorial 6  Hi and welcome back to my blog! Today I will be writing about a new set of Unity Tutorials about “Jump Force”, “Making the World Whiz By” & “Don’t Just Stand There”. In the first tutorial we created a new prototype, added a new background, character and obstacle. This was a fast paced and side scrolling runner game where the player had to get the character to jump over obstacles and avoid crashing into them. In these tutorials I also learned how to add music and sound effects. I learned about the spawn manager too, which is basically what controls spawning objects. Image 1: Screenshot of Unity Image 2: Screenshot of script In the second tutorial I used code to make the background of the game move effortlessly with the obstacles. As I used C Script the background and spawn manager will stop once the player collides with the obstacle. And lastly, in the third tutorial, we created three more new animations. I found this difficult as I had ne...

Unity Tutorial 05

Unity Tutorial 05 Hi and welcome back! Today I will be writing about the "Collision Decisions" and "Challenge 2 & Quiz Play Fetch" Unity tutorials. These tutorials were a continuation from last weeks. As I didn't do last weeks, I had a lot of work to catch up on! Fortunately, I completed the first tutorial without any problems. The second part was a bit more difficult and I didn't get all of it correct. In "Collision Decisions" I made it so that animals were spawning randomly at different times on the screen. I made it so there was a timed interval between each animal when walking down the screen. I did this by using InvokeRepeating() in the script. I added colliders so that I could feed the animals with all the different food. When all the animals get past the end of the scene, it says  "Game Over". The end of the scene was when they got past the player. Screenshot of Unity The "Challenge 2 - Play Fetch" tut...

Reading 6

Reading 6 Hi and welcome back to my blog! This week I will be focusing on writing the body paragraphs for my chapters. After researching game layout and game design it has become apparent that there are clear steps involved to create these things. I plan to separate each steps into their own paragraphs. Some steps will probably have a few paragraphs due to the amount of content I need to explain. I will also have an introductory paragraph at the beginning and a concluding paragraph at the end. My introductory paragraph will include my thesis and an introduction to my research. The following paragraphs will include the evidence to support my thesis. These paragraphs will include a topic sentence which will restate my thesis followed by evidence to back it up. The evidence will include examples and factual information. A closing sentence will wrap up and end each paragraph. The last paragraph will conclude my research. Image 1: Simplistic diagram of a body paragraph. https:/...

Reading 3

Reading 3 - Research This week I spent time researching my topics for the the chapter I will be co-writing for the book. After breaking down my topics last week into smaller terms I was able to find some useful things online. So far I have noticed that a lot of people have their own process to game design and layout but there are some general steps to follow. I read an article by Top Hatt Waffle where they talked about their old process and how they've improved it. The main steps I noted were; 1.Brainstorming and ideas  You must be able to visualise the level if you want to even attempt to begin this process. 2.Drafting and drawing  This step doesn't need to be a masterpiece as long as you can understand the concept your self. 3.Commitment Commit to the level so that is always in the back of your mind and you're always thinking of new things to enhance the players experience. 4.Initial Construction This is the beginning of creating your level in 3D. 5....

Unity Tutorial 03

Unity Tutorial 03 Hey and welcome back to my blog! In this blog I will be writing about the second Unity Tutorial I did. This tutorial is a follow up of last weeks one. In this tutorial I learned how to move the vehicle forward/backward/left/right when the player presses the arrows. This tutorial was all mainly C# Script 😐. Screenshot of Unity

Unity Tutorial 02

Unity Tutorial  Hey welcome back to my blog! In this blog I will be talking about the first Unity tutorial I completed since we got back. I enjoyed this tutorial a lot more than last semesters. I think the talking was slightly more engaging and the text under each step was very useful. My memory of Unity needed to be refreshed after the long break and this tutorial certainly did the trick.  Screenshot of Unity In lesson 1.1 I set up the project and imported assets. I then positioned the vehicle, obstacle and camera within the scene. All of this was fairly straight forward. I also looked over the project, hierarchy and inspector windows.  In lesson 1.2, I moved the vehicle down the road at a constant speed using C # Script. I also learned how to get the obstacles to fly into the air when hit by the vehicle. In the last lesson (1.3), I set the camera to follow the vehicle down the road. I found the script slightly difficult during this part as I kept ...